
Monday, August 30, 2010

Forex Trading

Forex or foreign exchange market is the financial market for the trading of currencies. The purpose of Forex is to assist international trade and investment, allowing businesses to convert one currency to another. For instance, you can exchange a certain amount of dollars for a certain amount of euros and vice versa. Money can be made by buying and selling at advantageous rates. Sounds simple, but how do you know when the rates are advantageous?

Forex traders are experienced in the movements of the money markets and even they get it wrong sometimes. If you are thinking of becoming a forex trader there is lots of information out there. Unfortunately, most of it costs and you can spend a fortune trying out different methods. About 95% of Forex traders lose money. The best way to move forward, when you have a basic knowledge of forex, is to get a good mentor.

Even finding a good mentor can be troublesome. The forex market is full of scammers who are only too happy to take your money and give you nothing in return. According to The Wall Street Journal ‘the average individual foreign-exchange-trading victim loses about $15,000’. Forex trading(http://www.forex-fxtrading.com) is largely unregulated so it has become the means for scammers to fraudulently take money from unsuspecting investors.

However, although it can be fraught with problems, forex is a legitimate business if it is done in the right way. So, how do you know which way is right and how do you know if you are being conned? Information is your best protection. Make sure you know what to expect and how it all works before you venture further into trading. There is a lot of information available, reviews and forums that will give you some ideas. A good mentor will be worth his weight in gold, but do your homework before signing up.


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