If you want to save the amount paid as interest for your various loan bills, it is a wise decision to go for consolidation of loans. As a student, you may have taken numerous loans for educational purposes, consolidating them and paying one single monthly payment is a great idea.
Private Student Consolidation Loans
Sometimes private loans are taken by students to supplement federal loans that are inadequate for covering educational expenses. Private student consolidation loan is of variable interest rate, the student's credit rating is under scanner for private consolidation loans. All previous loans are consolidated into one major monthly payable loan. The minimum consolidation required for private consolidation loan is $7,500 and maximum amount comes up to $150, 000.
Borrowers with good credit score could get private loans with low interest rate. A co-signer with superior credit rating may also acquire low APR private loans. Undergraduate students can receive a long repayment term of more than 20 years with low monthly pay schemes.
Federal Student Consolidation Loans
Federal student consolidation loans have lower interest rates and monthly payments. The interest rate is fixed and constant. There is no credit checking or application charges prior to a federal consolidation loan sanction. Students could cut their monthly payments by nearly 50% with a federal consolidation loan. It is the best chance to improve on credit ratings. Students can apply for federal consolidation loans even during their grace period.
Federal consolidation loans is flexible, the students can make larger payments when they have more money with them, thus reducing the repayment term. Federal loan consolidation can include popular loan companies such as Parent PLUS loan consolidation; HEAL loans, Federal FFELP, etc.
Federal loans for students have lower interest rates in comparison to the private student loans. These federal consolidated loans are subject to government influenced subsidized interest pay rates during the time of enrollment and adjournment. The federal loans have fixed interest rates and fees amount, the lender cannot increase them. Federal loans are immensely beneficial for borrowers.
While federal loans could be included in private loan consolidation, private loans are not considered by federal loan consolidators. For college loan consolidation, there is no need to be working or employed. There is no need for collateral security or co-signer with you. Students find consolidation of loans as a good and convenient option, but it is advisable not to combine federal and private loans for acquiring consolidated private loans. Best consolidation student loan rates can be acquired even through online application with a reputable company. You have to fill in the loan application page and within a day or two, the particular finance company agents contact you via email, telephone or in person.
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