College costs are at an all-time high, leaving many students and their families unable to pay for four or more years of tuition. Luckily, both federal and private institutions offer student loans as a way to get through school and earn a degree. But what about after graduation when it comes time to repay the loan? That's when many people look at a student consolidation loan. Many people like consolidation because it makes the whole process of owing money more straightforward. Carrying several student loans means more paperwork, multiple deadlines, and different monthly amounts to keep track of. There is just too much of a chance that a mistake will be made or a payment will be missed somewhere down the line. But with a consolidated loan, there is only one monthly payment to take care of. You can hand over your loans to a consolidation company, and then the hassle of deciding what to pay whom every month goes away. The consolidation company is responsible for sorting it out, and all you are responsible for is writing out one monthly check to a single company. You're free to concentrate on other things. Consolidating also takes away the stress of owing money for many people. They may feel crushed by debt when there are multiple outstanding accounts pressing down upon their shoulders, but they can handle one single amount that needs to be repaid. For a lot of people, consolidation loans are about peace of mind. Others choose consolidation because it saves them money over the life of the loan. Depending on the interest rates of the individual loans and amounts owed, consolidation may mean significant savings. Sometimes, however, consolidation doesn't make much of a difference in the amount that you'll pay in the long run. It all depends on your situation. If some of your loans have a variable interest rate and you're concerned about them going up, consolidation might be a solution. Federal consolidation loans have fixed rates, so rolling your variable rate loan into a fixed consolidation loan can effectively lock in your interest rate, and you don't need to worry about it ever changing. Consolidation also lets people choose from a wider range of repayment plans. Sometimes it isn't the overall cost of the loan that concerns a person. What they really need is a lower monthly payment, even if it does mean that they'll end up paying more over the lifetime of the loan. Consolidation allows them to stretch out the length of the loan, meaning that they pay more in interest over the years but have a lower monthly payment to deal with. There are many reasons why someone would choose a student consolidation loan. It may save money, lower monthly payments, or simply eliminate stress and hassle. For many of these reasons, people choose to consolidate their student debt every day.
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