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Sunday, April 26, 2009
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Friday, April 24, 2009
Debt consolidation companies help people in debt by combining all of their outstanding payments (credit cards, student loans, medical debt) into one payment [source: Chatzky]. Often, the debtor takes out a new, lower-interest loan to cover this payment. The consolidation company may also offer credit counseling and may negotiate with the credit companies to reduce the amount of debt owed. So how do they do it? Non-profit debt consolidation companies can offer their services for little to no cost through funding from donations, creditors and government grants.
Just as there's no magic pill for baldness, weight loss, or wrinkles, there's no magic pill for eliminating debt quickly, completely and easily. Even with a legitimate non-profit debt consolidation company, it will still take years to wipe out debt. Consumers have to be careful of the temptation to spend more since they have a new loan. If you use a car or house as collateral on the loan, the bank can seize it if you default on payments. Using a debt consolidation service could also affect your credit report [source: DebtHelp].
Picking a not-for-profit debt consolidator can be difficult. Some companies abuse their non-profit status. Others seem local, but are actually located in another country. Read on for how to choose the right non-profit debt consolidator for you.
Non-Profit Debt Consolidation Companies
Scottsdale, AZ - Even if you're not overwhelmed by debt, you most likely have seen or heard ads promising the overburdened nothing less than salvation from their debt woes. "Overwhelmed by debt? Combine all of your payments into one you can afford!", is a common slogan. In the same breath, the ads often mention proudly the non-profit status of the organization. Are these companies the saviors their carefully crafted images suggest?
Kristy Welsh, author of the book "Good Credit is Sexy", says she became suspicious when a reader of her website, on which her book is based, wrote to complain that his creditors had not received any money after two months of payments totaling $1200. Welsh called the company and obtained details of the program.
Non profit debt consol companies collect revenue through a 'donations'. But as many people have complained to Welsh, the Better Business Bureau and state attorney generals, the consumer is unaware that a portion of their money goes right into the company coffers. "I've had some people tell me they've paid into the program for a year and their debt hasn't decreased at all, says Welsh." In addition, many people who enter such programs with perfect credit have seen their credit rating destroyed due to the late payments of these companies. And the money from consumer 'donations"? One legal way for company executives to benefit from these 'donations' takes the form of large executive salaries. A recent investigation by Business Week found two companies had paid their executives over $300,000 a year.
Welsh says consumers can get often the same or better deal by negotiating down the payments and debt on their own, but it takes work. "As in weight loss, people want a magic pill to take instead of having to diet and exercise. Similarly, people just want to hear that they can hire a company to miraculously reduce their debt and make it go away." Ready to work a little to get rid of burdensome debts?
1. Settle with your credit card company to pay an amount for less than you owe. Most of them have established programs that will offer you a deal to settle for 75% - 50% of the debt. Your credit report will show the accounts as "settled", which is not a good listing, and will reduce your credit score, but you will have them off your back, and you have the chance to rebuild your credit.
2. In some cases, if you are a good negotiator, along with a substantial settlement, you can get the company to delete the listing from your credit report or convert it to a good listing. Remind the company rep that you only have a certain amount of money and you are only going to pay creditors that agree to convert the listing to a positive one.
3. Simply don't pay your debts. Not paying is a bad option; but it can be better than bankruptcy. Make no mistake, with this option your credit will be severely impacted; you will also have to deal with the possibility that the creditors will call you repeatedly and make answering the phone an unpleasant experience. A creditor could also get a judgment against you, but the chances, however real, are slim. The negative accounts will drop off your credit report in 7 years.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Debt Consolidation Loan For Payday Loan Debts
In the last few years, the debt consolidation loan has emerged as a great solution for those who have got trapped in different kinds of debts. In most cases, it has been found that people misused the various financial tools and ended up being drowned in huge piles of debts. Earlier, it was credit cards, and now a new kind of debt is killing the financial life of people.
The Misuse Of Cash Advance Loans
The payday loan is a great financial tool that can help you in times of emergency when you need instant cash and are not in a position to wait for the payday. There might be some small short-term emergencies that need urgent attention. This is where, such short term loans come to your rescue. The greatest thing about these loans is that they can be applied for and be approved for very quickly.
All it takes is just a few hours and the money will be directly credited into your checking account. However, people sometimes do not use a very prudent approach towards these short term loans and this eventually leads them to a deep payday loan debt problem. This is where they have to take the services of debt consolidation loan in order to get debt relief.
Debt Consolidation Or Bankruptcy?
The people who have payday loan debt basically belong to lower or middle class families. They get hand to mouth salary and any amount of debt may sound very huge for them. In particular, if it is a short term cash advance, the debt may rise very fast because of the high interest rate. The debtors sometimes are so frustrated that they even get ready to try bankruptcy as a solution for their debts. However, the matter of fact is that no matter how intense the debt problem is; there is still a solution for it with debt consolidation loan.
Therefore, debtors are highly recommended to try out consolidation also, before they try any suicidal step. The various payday loan debt consolidation services will not only save your financial life but will also make your life debt free in a very short time. The debts associated with short term cash advances are never too much that you cannot repay the same. All you need is the right strategy and a prudent approach. This is where you will find the debt consolidation loan a great help.
Student Consolidation Loan Program
Loan consolidation will allow you to take all of your loans and put them into one loan and one payment. Think of it as refinancing a home mortgage. You consolidate all of your student loans together, and all of the balances of your existing school loans are paid off, the balance will go into one consolidated loan. The advantage to this is that you have only one student loan to pay off.
Consolidating your loans can offers many benefits such as, locking in a fixed, lower rate for the length of your loan. This is advantageous because it can save you allot of money over the term of the loan. Also you will incur smaller monthly payments, which will allow you to have more funds available for other things. Also these types of loans are very flexible with prepayment penalties, charges and no fees. It is important to understand that you will not need a credit check or a co-signer for this type of consolidated loan.
The only time you would not want to consolidate is if you are close to paying off your current loans. However, if you are having trouble making monthly payments and would like to take advantage of a lower interest rate, this can be a great thing for you.
The eligibility for this type of loan is, your loans are over $7500, you have more than one lender, you are in the grace period or have started repaying the loans, you have not already started a consolidation program.
The loans below can be consolidated:
Health Education Assistance Loans
Health Professions Student Loans
Loans for Disadvantaged Students
Guaranteed Student Loans
Federal Insured Student Loans
Federal Subsidized and Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loans
Direct PLUS Loans and Federal PLUS Loans
Direct Consolidation Loans and Federal Consolidation Loans
Federal Perkins Loans
National Direct Student Loans
Federal Supplemental Loans for Students
National Defense Student Loans
Auxiliary Loans to Assist Students Nursing Student Loans Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans
How To Consolidate Student Loans – Federal Student Consolidation Loans
The new interest rate will be a weighted average of the interest rates of all your current federal student loans.
It is even possible to consolidate additional debt into this loan if this is considered to be a viable alternative.
The main reason that leads people to ask for debt consolidation is the huge sum of money spent on monthly payments. If you mix all the loans into a single one, your new monthly payment will become very affordable, not to mention that the loan can stretch for a few more years.
In order to do that, you can go to the bank and ask for a personal loan. It’s recommended that you use a separate loan for the student loans and another one for the rest of the debts.
Financial experts don’t encourage the combination of student loans using a privately funded debt consolidation loan because that will only create more financial problems.
In most cases of federal student loans, the interest is tax deductible. Why would anyone give up such a benefit? In this situation, having two loans is better than having a single one.
The only exception is when the consolidation loan is actually home equity loan. If you’re lucky you can obtain an interest rate lower that the one from your student loan.
Home equity loans are also tax deductible and you won’t loose the benefits. In time your income will rise and that affect the interest of writing off the student loan.
But, with home equity loan interest, you can continue writing off the amount without any problems.
To sum up all the above, sometimes including a student loan next to other loans into a single one can be viable but there are times when separate loans are simply the best option.
Student Consolidation Loan Marks an End to All Your Debts
Great help to debtors who are bearing the burden of heavy debts and are seriously thinking of filing for bankruptcy. If you are one of them, you must realize that bankruptcy will not solve your financial problems as easily as a debt consolidation loan.
A student loan comprises of unpaid credit cards, student loan arrears, rentals, canteen expenses, food bills etc. Stop, don’t waste time on tedious documentation and find a solution to your bad debts too. With a consolidation loan, you cease to pay any interest rate and receive any threatening calls from the creditors.
Don’t let debts control your life. Instead seek help with debt and control your debts. Discussing your options with online student loan experts who can help you choose the option that would be best suited for your personal circumstances because not every option might be the one for you!
Let experts analyze your credit situation and weigh the pros and cons of your options. They will offer student debt help which will help you manage and pay off your debts. Further, they will also help you with debt consolidation help.
With online consolidation experts you are assured of expert help with debt for your needs. Professionals who have been providing help with debt for all kinds of debt problems will work hard to help you overcome all your debt related problems and fulfill your financial obligations. The wisest way of handling debts are clubbing your existing debts into one.
Student Consolidation Loans: Now Think Only About Your Career
These types of consolidation loans, as the name specifies, combine all your various loans to a single debt. Thus you have to deal with a single lender in spite of a number of lenders scratching your brain. A very reasonable rate of interest releases pressure on your tight financial situation. These loans are available in both the forms, namely the secured and the unsecured form. If you go for the secured one you have to offer a collateral while nothing as such is required for the later one.
The key advantages of student consolidation loans
-you get rid of dealing with a numbers of lenders.
-you pay a lower interest thus saving a lot of money.
-you can think intensely about your career now.
The numerals
As considered earlier, these loans come with a very reasonable rate of interest as low as 9% to 13% APR. You can apply for an amount of £500 to £5000 depending upon your need and repayment capacity. The loan amount has to be repaid after you finish your education. Around 2 to 5 years duration is fixed for repayment.
Availability and application
Traditional market and online resources both offer the consolidation loans for the students. But online resources provide a speedy and smooth procedure and thus they are preferred. You just have to select the most suitable lender and apply to him online. Now some dummy documentation is to be performed by you. You may now expect the funds available within a few working days to consolidate your loans.
Student Consolidation Loan Checklist
Inventory your student loans. Make a list of all your loans, including type of loan, lender, the amount of your loans, interest rates and the amount of your payments. Review your loan documents, contact your lenders or loan servicers or go to the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) website. If you don't know your PIN (Personal Identification Number) to log in, you will have to request a new one and it will be mailed to you. Expect to wait a week or two for the PIN to arrive, so best to get it done early.
Calculate Your Current Monthly Payments. If you are already in a repayment status, you will know your exact monthly payments. However if you are still in school or in your grace period, you should estimate your monthly non-consolidated loan payment based on the current interest rates and your loan balance. You can also check your estimated payment amounts by contacting your lenders or loan servicers.
Budget? What's a Budget? Though many people wander through life from paycheck to paycheck without knowing where their money is going, you really need to set up a budget to see if student loan consolidation is for you. Once you have that first job, determine a reasonable amount of your income that can be allocated to your student loan payments. This percentage should be based on a realistic budget. Then see if the estimated loan payment amounts you calculated above will fit into your budget.
If your estimated or actual payment exceeds that monthly budgeted amount, reevaluate your income and outflow. Can you trim any areas of your budget? Can you increase your income?
If it's a short term issue (expected raise in pay, getting a part time job, etc.), consider your deferment or forbearance options.
However, if there is no light at the end of the tunnel, it is time to consider consolidating your student loans.
Select loans for consolidation. Determine which of your loans are eligible for federal consolidation. A listing of the loans that can be consolidated in addition to Stafford and Perkins can be found at Eligible Consolidation Loans.
Private student loans are not eligible to be consolidated through the Federal consolidation programs.
You might lose some discharge (cancellation) benefits or deferment benefits if you include certain types of loans in your consolidation loan like Federal Perkins Loans, for example. You can contact the holders of your loans to find out what the impact of consolidation will be on your current benefits.
Consolidate Your Loans. Try going through the Federal Direct Loan Consolidation Program. You can make the application online.
If you have graduated, but are still in the grace period, start the consolidation process approximately two months before the end of the grace period. This will allow enough time to have your consolidation loan processed before the grace period expires, yet not so early that you lose too much of your grace period if you have a FFEL consolidation loan. (If you consolidate FFEL loans during the grace period, you will give up whatever portion of your grace period remains. You retain all of your grace period, however, if you get a Direct Consolidation Loan.) Some FFEL lenders offer to hold disbursement of consolidation loans until the end of the grace period to enable borrowers to minimize their interest rate and maximize their grace period. Check with your lender to be certain.
Keep in mind that if you consolidate during your grace period, you can lock in an interest rate at least a half percent lower than the current repayment rate. Many lenders will give you a discounted rate if you sign up for electronic payment and also for making a certain number (usually 36) of on-time payments.
When filling out the consolidation application, make sure you provide complete and correct address information, include two references, and sign the promissory note. Miss any of these and you will delay the processing of your application.
If you are already in repayment, continue making payments on your loans until consolidation is completed. If you need immediate payment relief, request deferment or forbearance
Federal Student Consolidation Loans V/s Private Student Consolidation Loans
Private Student Consolidation Loans
Sometimes private loans are taken by students to supplement federal loans that are inadequate for covering educational expenses. Private student consolidation loan is of variable interest rate, the student's credit rating is under scanner for private consolidation loans. All previous loans are consolidated into one major monthly payable loan. The minimum consolidation required for private consolidation loan is $7,500 and maximum amount comes up to $150, 000.
Borrowers with good credit score could get private loans with low interest rate. A co-signer with superior credit rating may also acquire low APR private loans. Undergraduate students can receive a long repayment term of more than 20 years with low monthly pay schemes.
Federal Student Consolidation Loans
Federal student consolidation loans have lower interest rates and monthly payments. The interest rate is fixed and constant. There is no credit checking or application charges prior to a federal consolidation loan sanction. Students could cut their monthly payments by nearly 50% with a federal consolidation loan. It is the best chance to improve on credit ratings. Students can apply for federal consolidation loans even during their grace period.
Federal consolidation loans is flexible, the students can make larger payments when they have more money with them, thus reducing the repayment term. Federal loan consolidation can include popular loan companies such as Parent PLUS loan consolidation; HEAL loans, Federal FFELP, etc.
Federal loans for students have lower interest rates in comparison to the private student loans. These federal consolidated loans are subject to government influenced subsidized interest pay rates during the time of enrollment and adjournment. The federal loans have fixed interest rates and fees amount, the lender cannot increase them. Federal loans are immensely beneficial for borrowers.
While federal loans could be included in private loan consolidation, private loans are not considered by federal loan consolidators. For college loan consolidation, there is no need to be working or employed. There is no need for collateral security or co-signer with you. Students find consolidation of loans as a good and convenient option, but it is advisable not to combine federal and private loans for acquiring consolidated private loans. Best consolidation student loan rates can be acquired even through online application with a reputable company. You have to fill in the loan application page and within a day or two, the particular finance company agents contact you via email, telephone or in person.
Student Consolidation Loan Helps you in Concentrating
The main idea behind student loan consolidation is to reduce the interest rate and lengthen the term on all of your student loans. Because rates are currently low, consolidating can easily reduce your monthly payments. In addition, because the consolidated loans are for longer terms than the original student loans, the monthly payment goes down. The net effect is that your loans are more affordable and you're more likely to make payments on time. The rates are usually kept low considering the fact that the student is already under lots of pressure relating to his or her course and thus not to put any extra burden on him.
Student consolidation loan are generally meant for students to have their studies be completed uninterrupted. Owing to the fact that how the fees and all the related expenses are becoming higher and higher day by day, it becomes more important to provide a student with such an option so that the unfortunate situation of a student leaving his or her studies due to unavailability of money never arise. And student consolidation loan is meant exactly for this purpose only which help the student to meet all their expenses and thus having a tension free education.
Student consolidation loans help to manage all the existing debts for students. With the help of these loans a student can focus on his studies and not on various loans whose repayment can be catered by such loans.
Give Impetus to Your Education With Student Consolidation Loan
Student consolidation loan aims at bringing down your burden. It consolidates all loans taken by a student for his studies and hence he has to pay only one payment monthly than several separate installments.
1) Due to consolidation it is easy to pay one payment monthly than several separate payments.
2) Student debt consolidation loan carries less interest than others.
3) As it for students it is easily available.
4) If payments are made regular interest rate is reduced. This varies with the different lender’s policy. For example some company says that if the borrowers will regularly pay for two years their interest rate will be decreased by some factors.
5) Options for flexible payments is there.
6) As this loan meant for student therefore no credit check for borrowers.
Student consolidation loan can be classified as secured and unsecured form. In the secured form collateral is required while in unsecured no collateral is required. In the secured form the interest rate is less as borrower has kept something as collateral. Unsecured form is preferred when loan amount is small.
There are many banks which gives this loan. Internet is the best way to search and choose suitable lender for student consolidation loan. You can get student consolidation loan instantly through online application process. Its mechanism is easy and the borrower’s credit and personal details are required.
Student Consolidation Loans And The Sub-Prime Crisis
Right now, the sub-prime mortgage crisis is causing a lot of problems for a lot of people. Rising interest rates mean the mortgage payments are rising, and many people are no longer able to meet the minimum required payments, so financial institutions are foreclosing, evicting people, and selling the homes for whatever they can.
Tempers are getting so bad, that evicted owners are starting to vandalize their own homes - ripping out toilets, destroying electrical panels, and defacing walls and fixtures that can't be taken. It has gotten so bad, that companies like Prudential are now offering incentives to evicted homeowners to leave the home in selling condition.
So, what does this mean for you and your student loans? Well, the financial institutions make their money on an interest-rate spread - the difference betweeen what they pay to to Federal Reserve, and the amount you pay to them. So as long as the spread is positive, they are making money, and everyone is happy.
This means that a new consolidation loan would be taken out at a new, higher interest rate (since rates are going up), and the only way you could pay a lower net amount is to change the terms. You will be able to reduce the amount you pay by extending the time you take to pay the loan off.
Note: student loan consolidations can renew your deferment choices if you have already exhausted the deferment options on your existing federal student loans. A student loan consolidation can significantly reduce your monthly payment burden. Consolidation allows you to stretch your repayment period from the standard 10 years to up to 30 years, depending on the total education debt. Student loan consolidation programs allow for a borrower's loans to be paid off and a new consolidated loan created. These programs simply loan repayment by combining several types of Federal education loans into one new loan.
Interest rates for variable student loans are reset on July 1. In the past two years, rates have risen from historic lows, but this year the rates will remain the same. Rates will rise from 3.37 percent to 5.26 percent for student borrowers already making payments.
If you are thinking of defaulting on your student loan, be very careful, because there are big penalties for non-payment on a student loan, especially a federally guaranteed one.
If you wish to pay down your loan quicker, there are ways to avoid pre-payment penalties. If you are getting a first time educational loan, there are places that can help improve your odds of getting accepted.
A consolidation loan is not the best option for everybody, but in many cases, it can help lower your overall expenses, and give you a bit extra money each month, to help with the things that are important to you now.
Tips and Tricks on Student Consolidation Loans
Though these loans are great for getting hold of the benefits portrayed above, there are many things that must be taken into account when undertaking student debt consolidation that may reduce or boost these benefits. Since knowledge does not take up space, read on and make sure to remember these tips and tricks so you can make the most out of your debt consolidation loan:
Keep your Government Loans and your Private Loans Apart
Federal student loans usually come with many benefits you surely want to keep. This includes a significantly lower interest rate that you will not be able to beat with any private consolidation loan. So if you need to consolidate your federal student loans, you will need to resort to government consolidation programs. Use private consolidation loans only with private student loans.
Focus on getting rid of variable rate loans
Though sometimes lower, variable rates tend to be a problem since you cannot predict market variations and thus your budgeting may be useless. If possible, consolidate all your variable rate loans into a single fixed interest student consolidation loan and leave fixed interest rate loans aside unless you can get a significantly lower interest rate with the consolidation loan.
Watch for prepaying penalties
Some lenders penalize those who pay off their debt sooner by adding extraordinary fees to the overall debt claiming additional administrative costs. If this is the case, you should leave low balance loans aside. If the fees are not covered by the amount of money you will be saving by consolidating the loan you will want to continue paying the loan on its original terms.
Keep your credit report clean
Try not to incur in delinquencies as this will be recorded into your credit history and prevent you from getting a good interest rate when applying for a consolidation loan. Before applying, always request your credit report and make sure everything is in order. If you happen to find any inconsistencies, contact the credit agency immediately and demand that they correct the inaccuracies. Many have been denied loans just because a credit agency employee had made a mistake.
Avoid Trading Loan Length in exchange of Lower monthly payments
Unless you really cannot afford the loan installments, refrain from extending the length of the loan. It is best to get lower monthly payments by agreeing to a lower interest rate than to get them by adding to the number of outstanding monthly payments.
Extending the loan length may solve your current cash flow problems by reducing your installments, but will increase the overall cost of the student consolidation loan turning it into a bad deal.
It is best to cut on your expenses for a little while till your income increases than to consent on many years more of annoying debt.
Choosing The Right Student Consolidation Loan Company
When you consolidate your student loan you're combining all your debts with one lender with a much lower interest rate. The reason for a lower interest rate is that you get to pay off your debt for a longer period, sometimes up to 20 years.
Here's where it can get very tricky, so it pays off to choose the right student consolidation loan company before you consolidate your debts. One of the most common mistakes students can make is consolidating their loans with the wrong lender. If you don't read the fine print carefully you'll end up paying more in interest because all you're really doing is stretching out your payments over a longer period. If you calculate all the interest you're paying it will end up higher than your current loan.
So it's very important that you don't consolidate your student loan with just any lender. You'll need to get smart when selecting a lender because it's your money and you don't want to end up with a 20 year loan that you're unhappy with. Here's a few things you can look out for the next time you're looking to consolidate your student loans.
1. Don't sign up to anyone who asking for large upfront fees. If there's any fees make sure you know what they are for. 2. Avoid consolidation lenders who try to rush you into signing up with them. You should take your time, look around and compare rates before you sign anything. 3. Get a check list of all the agreements before you sign. Don't take anyone's word or promises. Make sure that everything is on paper. 4. When you've found the right consolidation company make sure you check them out on the "Better Business Bureau" and see if they've had any complaints. Nothing worse then a company who never delivers. 5. You'll also need to check if the company accredited by the Association of Independent Consumer Credit Counselling Agencies. This will ensure that they are allowed to consolidate your loan. 6. Last but not least ask if you can get a better rate or any special bonuses or offers available. It never hurts to ask sometimes companies are planing on running specials on the following week. So you don't want to miss out on any savings you can get your hands on.
I hope these few tips will help you choose the right student consolidation loan company. All the best with your studies and hope you do well in class.
Great Advantages of a Student Consolidation Loan
Student Consolidation Loan
Each of these loans has different rates of interest, which keep fluctuating over the period of time, and can be difficult for the students to manage at certain occasions. The best possible way to get rid of this hassle is to have your loans consolidated, which enables you to deal with them all together.
As far as the consolidation programs are concerned, they can be afforded by any student at any point of time. The purpose of these loan consolidation processes is to gather all the outstanding loans together and provide a unique solution to the problem. This is much better than having to keep paying different loans at varying rates over a period of time,
With the increasing price in education and demand for a better life, most students tend to take up more than one federal education loan during their university period and later for their continuing education. In most cases students do not understand the added responsibility that comes with these loans. The major problem comes when they have to repay several loans after their college ends. Thus, always remember to make use of the resources available to you, like loan consolidations.
Federal Student Loan Consolidation Plans: There are 4 consolidation loan repayment plans with fixed interest rates to choose from: Standard Repayment Plan: The interest is fixed and the monthly payments are fixed at a minimum of $50 for a maximum of 10 years. Extended Repayment Plan: Under this plan the borrower pays fixed monthly payments that are less than the Standard plan. The repayment period can range anywhere from 12 to 30 years depending on the total amount borrowed. Graduated Repayment Plan: This is another option that might work well for those who expect their income to increase gradually. the repayment period varies from 12 to 30 years depending on the total amount borrowed Income Contingent Repayment Plan (ICR): The Income Contingent Plan is more flexible than the other 3 plans because it considers the borrower's adjusted gross income, family size and the total amount borrowed when calculating monthly payments. The repayment period is a maximum of 25 years.
Private education loans can be a life saver when you are not qualified to get a federal education loan. State backed loans are considerably harder to qualify for as they have some strict sets of regulation and require more background checks whereas private loans can be a lot easier to apply for, but a fact all students should understand is that private student loans too can be a huge problem in the long run as they include hidden charges and various other duties which tend to dent your financial condition when you start repaying your student loan.
There are many well known private lenders who deal with consolidation loan but are careful some fraud lender who can cheat with you. Before going to select your private student consolidation lender you must consider the following things: - Trusted, Reliable And Reputable- Fixed Rules And Regulation, - No Fees For Registration And Advise, - Fraudulent Companies( Usually companies offering extremely fast debt consolidation loans are not trusted, review every aspect of terms and conditions before apply with them).Last but not least, remember that specialized advise is always recommendable, by working with a seasoned credit debt counselor you will get the most of a debt consolidation program, this kind of expertise usually pays by itself
Friday, April 17, 2009
Miltary Debt Managment Agency

At that time our goal was simple: To improve the quality of life to those who serve our country. Now that we have opened our debt management programs to the civilians sector, our mission is still a simple one:
through financial security and understanding.
Our core program consisted of consolidating credit card accounts, lowering interest rates, eliminating costly monthly fees, and bringing past due accounts current. Our costumer service initiative was to have the utmost respect for all clients and to provide the most personal and comprehensive credit counseling program in the nation.
Throughout the years our program has evolved as the needs of our customers has grown. Currently MDMA offers a wide variety of credit related services. We offer low cost credit reports and analysis. We negotiate settlement plans for past due and charged off bad debt. Our budget counseling program has been modeled after the military's own personal financial management (PFM) program, and our consolidation program continues to assist military members in receiving or retaining their top secret security clearances.
Personal Finance for Military Families
Whether deployed in peacetime or in these times of conflict, the wide range of credit problems that affect the military family can impact that family’s finances most dramatically.
Further, the rapid pace of change in the global geopolitical environment has created a scenario where an unanticipated assignment or rapid deployment can and often does create havoc in the entire military household – from emotional issues to debt consolidation, debt settlement, credit counseling and other financial ones.....
Armed Forces Loans Guarantee
AFL is the leading provider of Loans to active-duty and career-retired military personnel serving the Army, Navy, Air force, Marines, and Coast Guard. Get a loan for bills, car repairs, travel or vacation, credit repair, PCS expenses, furniture, home repair, and all your other needs
- Military Loans are available up to $5,000
- Personalize your loan with Flexible terms at competitive rates
- Talk to your loan officer today
- No Credit… No Problem
AFL Guarantee
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Friday, April 10, 2009
Personal Loans
An unsecured loan does NOT require collateral -- just your signature and a means to pay back your loan. When you borrow money, the lender may or may not require you to pledge collateral to guarantee repayment of the debt. If collateral is pledged, then you have a secured loan.
For secured loans, collateral can be anything of value, but collateral is NOT cash when it comes to loans -- lenders do not require you to send cash as collateral or "insurance".
Did you know that your home's equity is one of the best sources of cash? For homeowners, interest rates are often quite low. With equity, you can finance big-dollar expenses, such as car purchases, home remodeling, or medical expenses.
Not Satisfied with a Credit Card Purchase
First, there are some factors regarding your purchase that must be considered to determine if the credit card company is legally liable:
- Type of card that you used - You must have charged the item by using the charge card issued by the store where you bought it or by using a bank card, rebate card, or travel card. Even if two stores are owned by a parent company, one store will not give you a refund for purchases made at another store (Gap will not refund your money for a purchase made at Old Navy, for example).
- Price of merchandise - If the merchandise was bought with a card notissued by the seller, then the product must cost more than $50. If you paid $49.99, you're out of luck, legally. Then the dispute is between you and the merchant, and the credit card issuer doesn't have to spend time resolving the matter.
- Form and timing of complaint - You must complain in writing within 60 days after the first bill containing the error arrives. Some bank cards will intervene on your behalf even if you don't write them until after the time limit, but they may charge you an additional fee for doing so.
- Location of transaction - The purchase must have occurred within your home state or within 100 miles of your billing address, unless the item was purchased with the seller's charge card. If you travel more than 100 miles from your billing address to make a purchase, your bank card doesn't legally have to become involved in your quest for a refund. However, many card issuers will waive this mileage rule. You just have to ask, politely. Catalogues, Internet sales, and phone orders may be considered in-state purchases, since information is sent to your home or the merchandise was advertised locally. State law may vary, but these purchases are generally protected. Overseas purchases are also frequently covered under consumer protection laws.
Debt Consolidation Refinance
If you’re living from paycheck to paycheck rest assured you’re not alone. Many folks barely make ends meet on a week to week basis. Sadly many people can’t even remember where they spend their money. They only thing they know is that it’s all spent before their next paycheck. This lack of financial wisdom is causing many consumers to file for bankruptcy as a means of relieving themselves from their high debt and financial obligations. What many folks don’t know is that this method of erasing your debts also destroys your credit rating and any hope for having a good financial status. Instead there may be another alternative – A debt consolidation refinance may be just what the doctor ordered to fix your current financial disarray.
The main reason anyone would and should consider utilizing a debt consolidation refinance is because it usually can help eliminate the harassing phone calls from your creditors and the debt collectors they employ. It’s also designed to consolidate all of your bills into one monthly payment that is slightly lower then what you previously paid in order to help alleviate some of your financially induced stress. Another benefit is the ability for a debt consolidation refinance to keep you from filing bankruptcy allowing you to stay recognized as a credit worthy consumer.
So when should you consider seeking out a debt consolidation loan or refinance? Typically, you should consider a debt relief loan as soon as your monthly bills become difficult or near impossible to pay. This early intervention through the use of a debt refinance loan will prevent you from having to pay outrageous interest rates, late payment fees and charges which will only complicate your already shaky financial status. Another good indicator of when to seek out a debt relief loan is when you only make the minimum payment amount due every month and when all of your credit balances continue to remain the same even after your monthly payments.
Homeowners have a big advantage over non-homeowners because they have the option of applying for a debt refinance using the equity in their home or house. Using this method requires the discipline to pay off your consolidate bills monthly and to avoid incurring any new bills. Don’t use your home as collateral unless you intend to make the payments on your new debt consolidation loan.
Always make sure to do your research online in order to find a reputable debt refinance and Consolidation Company. Many of these companies appear to be the real deal on the outside but in all actuality may only really be a loan shark in disguise. These establishments need to be avoided at all costs as they will place you under strict monthly payment terms and charge a much higher rate when compared to a real lender. One of the better debt refinance companies include several non-profit lenders who will be able to give you the best options when it comes to refinancing your current debt.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
What is Term Life Insurance
One of the most popular types of life insurance is term life. Term life is straight life insurance without any of the bells and whistles. Whole life, on the other hand, usually carries an investment portion which grows in value and can be cashed out over time. Term life pays the face value of the policy at the time of death of the insured.
Term life insurance has both positives and negatives in comparison to whole life. On the positive side, the premiums are usually significantly lower than whole life premiums because there is no investment portion. Many individuals with term life insurance find that having a separate investment account allows them to have more control over both their insurance and investments.
The major downside of term life is that it has a limited life or “term”. It must be renewed at intervals, usually every 5 or 10 years. As you are older at every renewal date and may have increasing health issues, the renewal rates are generally progressively higher. Whole life policies last for just that- the whole life of the insured without having to re-qualify.
The amount of term life insurance you need depends on your circumstances and your family’s financial goals. Think about what income your spouse would have to replace if you died. How many liabilities do you have right now including your mortgage, credit cards and car loans? Would it make your spouse’s life easier to have those obligations paid off on your death? You also may choose to include college funds in your term insurance face value but a better option is to set up an education fund separately an contribute to it regularly.
Life Insurance Policies
Besides choice and price, the Internet also offers convenience to people who are looking for life insurance polices. Life insurance information can be gathered and insurance quotes asked for at any time of the day or night. If it suits you to search out information on life insurance policies at five in the morning, then life insurance companies on the Internet are there for you at five in the morning. Choosing between life insurance policies There are four types of life insurance policy available from most life insurance companies.
These are level term life insurance, level term life insurance with critical illness, reducing term life insurance and reducing term life insurance with critical illness. Level term life insurance is the most basic type of the four policies. It guarantees pay out upon death of the policyholder should he / she die during the term of the policy. The premiums remain the same throughout the life cover as does the amount paid out in the event of death. It is important to note that many level term policies have an upper age limit after which the life company becomes free of its obligation to pay out.
Introduction to Life Insurance
There are three parties to a life insurance contract. First, there is the insured. This is the person whose life is being insured under the policy. Next, there is the insurer. The insurer is the insurance company who underwrites the risk. And third, there is the owner. The owner and insured are not necessarily one and the same. Someone can buy a life insurance policy to insure the life of someone else, such as their spouse. The person who buys the policy is the owner, and the person whose life the policy is based on is the insured. When the owner and the insured are different people, premium payments are the responsibility of the owner.
Every life insurance contract also has a beneficiary. This is the person who receives the proceeds from the policy in the event of the death of the insured, and is assigned by the owner. There are two types. An irrevocable beneficiary can not be changed unless the beneficiary gives his or her permission; if it is revocable, the owner can change it at any time.
The policy is subject to certain terms and conditions. There are usually certain exclusions that apply, depending on the person being insured. But with almost every policy, death as the result of suicide during the first two years of the policy term is excluded from coverage. Also, during the first two years of the policy, often referred to as the contestable period, the insurance company retains the right to not immediately pay out, even if the death is caused by a condition that is covered in the policy. The company can order an investigation into the death of the insured, to make sure that the death was not deliberate or the result of homicide.
The amount paid to the beneficiary is called the face amount. The maturity date is reached upon either the date when the insured deceases or reaches a certain age. Life insurance is most often used to provide income protection to the spouse of the deceased. Regardless of the reason for buying the insurance, the owner (if not the same person as the insured), must have an insurable interest. In other words, the owner of the contract must have a reason for wanting to insure the life of that person, otherwise the contract is void.
The Role of Life Insurance Companies
When you realize that a life insurance is mandatory for your family, you need to find a life insurance company. This is not a complicated process, but it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t choose your life insurance company carefully. The only element that stands between your family and a large amount of money that you had provided through a life insurance is your life insurance company. After you’re gone, the company will have to make the last step and make sure that your family will get the amount promised.
This is why you should make sure that you get a good life insurance company that tries to work for your best interest. Besides handing the money after your death, your life insurance company also deals with a lot of other legal issues while you are still alive. Because you don’t have to know everything about life insurance policies while you are still alive, your life insurance company should be able to tell you everything about the process. You can choose between a few types of insurances and each one can have advantages and disadvantages. Because you can’t take these decisions alone, you need to talk with a company who wants the best for you, not for their profit.
There is a certain code of ethics that should be respected by life insurance companies. While they could get a higher profit if you choose a certain program, it doesn’t mean that that program is the best choice for you. Your life insurance company should be able to tell you this and after a quick analysis of your situation and they should guide you to a plan that suits your situation best.
Benefits Of Life Insurance
Do you know that the life insurance not only protects you but also you whole family? Yes this is right! In case of premature death you will be given this benefit. It is strange but many people are not familiar with the benefits of life insurances. For this reason, they abstain from getting them as well. As anything can happen to you at anytime, getting a life insurance allows you to have access to financial aid when and if required.
In order to get the maximum benefit from life insurances, you should seek guidance from an insurance expert. You need to explore different kinds of life insurance policies before settling for one. There are many police s including joint-life insurance, whole-life insurance and pension-life insurance. The purpose of all these life insurance policies is to provide you with financial aid in case of emergencies.
Value Life…Value Life Insurance
Ideally a policy that you could afford to pay the premiums for in the longer run is recommended. Chalk out your monthly expenses and then settle in for an amount that you could afford on a periodical basis. Failure to pay the premium in stipulated time will result in the policy being confiscated by the insurer (Life Insurance Company). Also important is the coverage you get from the policy.
Life Insurance Coverage determines the period for which you are actually insured. They could vary. In whole Life Insurance you keep paying the premium through out the term of the policy, where as in term life policy you pay the premium till a certain time, after which an amount (depending on market conditions) is returned to you.
There are different types of Life Insurance Policies that are offered to you by the Life Insurance Company, the most prominent amongst those are Family Life Insurance, Whole Life Insurance, Premium Life Insurance and Term Life Insurance. When you opt to go in for Family Life Insurance, all your eligible family members get covered. This generally includes your spouse and children. Usually dependent children must be unmarried and fewer than 22-23 years of age, incapable of self support.
The payment is simple. Usually if you are employed the employer deducts a fixed amount from your salary and hands it over to the insurer. This amount keeps being deducted and accumulated in your policy account until you retire or leave the company. After that it is returned to you. Premium life insurance is a type of term life insurance with return of premiums paid throughout the policy term.
Like other forms of life insurance, if you die during the term of the policy, your family will receive the accumulated sum benefit of the policy. Whole Life Insurance is a sub-part of permanent life insurance where the person is eligible to obtain protection through out his life. Here the Premium rates are constant through out; hence it is advised to invest in these policies at a very early stage in life. Life Insurance where the Life Insurance Premium is paid for a stipulated period of time (5-10-15 years) is called term Life Insurance.
The premium rates here are bit on a higher scale compared to a Permanent Life Insurance. A major advantage of Life Insurance is that it serves as a major tax saving instrument. Under section 80CCC of the income tax ordinance amount invested in Life Insurance Policies is subjected to tax-exemptions. If an average investor has an annual income of more than the tax limit then the amount he will invest (till one lac) in Life Insurance will be deducted from his yearly income.
This facility makes it much more appealing in terms of an investment module. With recession hitting the jobs market hard, the insurance industry is possible the only sector that hasn’t been affected, simple because of the genre it dwells in. The sooner you opt for Life Insurance, the sooner you start valuing your Life.
Who Should Buy Term Life Insurance?
Unlike whole life insurance, term life insurance is purchased to cover a limited term period. Term life pays the insured sum only when the insured dies within the time span of the policy. Term life policies do not accrue any cash value. So if you live past the length of the policy, you won’t receive any money. It is also important to understand that premiums for term life policies may not be fixed, and may increase from time to time.
To avoid this, be sure to look for a guaranteed level premium term life insurance policy. These policies guarantee a level premium throughout the term period.Advantages of a Term Life InsuranceTerm life insurance covers the maximum insurance for your money. It can be beneficial for those families that have more financial obligations than current assets. Here are some of the advantages of a term insurance:
AffordableTerm life insurance offers the most affordable premiums against high death benefits.SimpleTerm life insurance is the most simple life insurance product available in the market.Competitive PricingSince term life policies are simple in nature, they can be easily compared on the basis of price and features. This makes term life insurance an appealing commodity in a very competitive market.
FlexibilityTerm Life policies may include "renewability" and "convertability" options. The renewability feature enables you to renew your term policy at the end of the term, without having to undergo a medical exam. A convertible feature allows you to convert your term life policy into an equivalent whole life policy, which accrues cash value, should you feel the need to switch to a permanent policy.Waiver of premiumThere is an additional optional feature called "waiver of premium", which means that in the event of your inability to pay premiums due to circumstances stipulated in the term life insurance contract, the insurance company will waive payments for a stipulated time.
However, this feature comes with an extra charge.Short Term Coverage to Suit Your NeedsTerm life is suitable for short term coverage. If your mortgage can be paid up in ten years you may want to choose a term policy for ten years. Most people do not envisage requiring life insurance in their senior years, so a term life policy makes sense for short term financial planning.Deciding If a Term Life Insurance Policy is Right for YouDeciding the right life insurance policy is a very important step in securing your family’s future. If you are looking for a low cost, budget friendly life insurance plan, choosing a term life insurance policy would be your best option.
Moreover, term life insurance is a good choice for people on fixed incomes and with a growing family. If you have a mortgage, educational loans, estate taxes or other liabilities, your sudden death would place an overwhelming financial burden on your family. Term life insurance provides high death benefits at the most affordable rates. This is why term life policies are the most popular life insurance policy. You should determine the amount of life insurance coverage that enables your family to clear all debts and provide a tidy some for their future. You may want to include college funds for your children in your coverage.
Here is a quick check-list that can help you to decide if a low cost term life insurance policy is right for you:
If you’re on a budget and cannot afford a very high premium.
If you are young, and in good health. You can take advantage of low premium rates.
If you are looking for a simple, straight-forward, low cost life insurance plan to protect your beneficiaries.
Most people need life insurance and term life is suitable for all stages of life. Term life policies offer a cheap option to suit your needs. Term life is also easy to purchase. Many online life insurance providers have access to hundreds of reliable life insurance companies. By feeding in your personal information, you can receive numerous quotes for comparison within minutes.
Remember to be completely honest in answering questionnaires. Use sites that are absolutely safe and are certified by the Better Business Bureau to safeguard your interests. Many online sites, provide cheap initial quotes to attract customers. They may end up being a disappointment.Many people think they may not be eligible for a term life policy or they will have to pay high premiums because they suffer from certain health conditions. But there are online life insurance providers who can help you find life insurance companies that may look more favorably on certain medical conditions than the regular life insurance companies. This is where shopping around for term life policies will come into play.
If your health is poor, you may want to check out these Insurance FAQs for help in how to find companies that may be able to offer you more favorable quotes even if you do suffer from certain medical conditions.ConclusionChoosing the right life insurance that suits your needs is simple once you’ve studied your options thoroughly. Utilize the Internet's resources to educate yourself about life insurance basics. Factor in your personal situation, present debts and future liabilities and you will be able to gauge how much life coverage your family would need.
Many online insurance quote providers can help you with your queries and offer professional advice on choosing the right policy for your particular situation. And once you factored in all the scenarios, and have numerous term life policies to evaluate, choosing a life insurance not only becomes easy, but beneficial too.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
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Daily Health Task Lists
Just like brushing your teeth, healthy habits should be cultivated on a daily basis. The following is a guide to daily tasks:
1. Activity should be a daily occurrence. Walk, run or jump for a minimum total of 20 minutes a day.2. Protect your skin. Sun block should be applied on face, neck, arms and hands even in the dead of winter. It protects against climatic toxins too. Moisturize skin daily.3. Eat fruits, vegetables, grains, low-fat dairy products and small amounts of protein. Avoid sweets and other processed foods. 4. Meditate or spend a minimum of five minutes daily in quiet time.5. Find your spiritual self. Discover what inspires you, raises your level of consciousness, motivates you, and satisfies your soul.6. Exercise your brain. Read, study, solve problems, and learn new skills. As does the body, the brain atrophies with lack of use.7. Hug somebody.
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Cobra health care changes kick in soon
That's when changes enacted by President Obama involving Cobra health care coverage kick in.
Under the old rules that will change April 18, departing workers pay all the premiums for the coverage, usually two times or more higher than their former co-workers still on the job.
Under the new rules,employers pick up 65 percent of the premiums for nine months.
For more details on the Cobra changes, check out Kitchentablenomics blogger Gene Meyer by clicking here.
Food fight!
University of California Press. US $27.50; distributed in the UK by Wiley.
Pounds 19.95. - 0 520 23292 5
Food quality, purity and safety have been entangled with politics throughout history. Wine merchants of pre Hellenic Thasos were fined if they watered their produce; official inspectors monitored wine for colour and flavour in ancient Athens and Rome; in medieval England, bizarre penalties -including the pillory and tumbril -threatened brewers, bakers, vintners and butchers who marketed defective or adulterated products.
The Victorians established a regime of inspection and regulation such as we in the West now take for granted, but they had no inkling of the role of microbes in disease. Today we know that food-borne illnesses due to microbes are a worldwide problem. In developing countries, they are catastrophic -diarrhoeal diseases are up with malaria and TB in the WHO's global catalogue of killer diseases. In developed countries they are still only a nuisance to healthy people, because our immune systems, aided sometimes by medication, enable us to shrug off many of these afflictions. However, recent serious outbreaks of food poisoning by campylobacter, listeria, salmonella, E. coli O157 and other nasties, together with the emergence of antibiotic-resistant food pathogens, warn that our food web needs constant monitoring for pathogens at all stages from farm to table.
Health 'super-regulator' CQC orders 21 hospital trusts to clean up
The Care Quality Commission (CQC), the new “super-regulator” for health and social care that started work on Wednesday, said that the trusts had failed to meet standards on cleanliness.
All 21 have had strict conditions placed on their registration with the commission, which is a legal requirement. Hospitals that fail to act to improve hygiene levels could be issued with warning notices and fines, or face prosecution or closure.
The CQC rulings, issued today, show that ten acute hospital trusts, six primary care trusts, four mental health care trusts and one ambulance trust have registration conditions as a result of failing to meet the criteria fully. The four trusts with foundation status — a supposed marker of excellence — are Kettering General Hospital, Leeds Partnerships, Medway and Alder Hey Children’s.
Health care reform battle begins
When Congress returns from its two-week spring break in mid-April, House and Senate Democrats will hammer out a final compromise of the chambers' budget plans.
And one of the most difficult decision negotiators will face is whether to bypass regular legislative rules to allow health care reform to pass the Senate by a simple majority using a fast-track procedure called "reconciliation."
"I hope we don't have to use it, and I hope it encourages Republicans to come to the table and offer real ideas and accept some they don't like, because that's what compromise is about," said Sen. Sherrod Brown, a liberal Democrat from Ohio. "If they don't cooperate enough, then we go through reconciliation."
The procedure would eliminate the filibuster and allow legislation to pass with only a simple majority, not the three-fifths supermajority needed to end a filibuster. Democrats have 58 seats - a comfortable margin, but two seats short of the 60-seat supermajority.
Vector-borne Diseases in the Ecuadorian Amazon
This program begins with one week of Spanish classes and an orientation to Ecuadorian culture in the capital city of Quito, including clinical rotations at a local tertiary care hospital.
For the remaining three weeks of the program, students will be based in Puyo located in Pastaza Province. Puyo is a small city with 28,000 inhabitants in the jungle about 6 hours by bus from Quito. Although it is a rural town, Puyo does offer modern conveniences such as internet, cell phone services, banks and many other tourist attractions. In Puyo there is a large indigenous population (Kichwas, Shuar, Achuar, Shiwiar, Huaoranni and Zapara). While in Puyo, participants will participate in various activities and site visits to learn about the prevention and treatment of vector-borne diseases in Ecuador.
Andean Health in Quito, Ecuador
Participants will experience first-hand the state of healthcare in Quito through clinical rotations. As there is a range of clinical sites (ranging from general primary care to specialized clinics) to choose from, each student is likely to find the rotations exciting and interesting. Students will also take medical and conversational Spanish classes at the Amazing Andes Language School; however, cultural education continues outside of the classroom as well, through the home stay experience and interactions with medical staff during clinical rotations. Most students also take advantage of sightseeing opportunities during the evenings and weekends, as there are a number of museums, historical sites, eye-opening weekend trips, and other attractions in and around the lively city of Quito.
CFHI is a nonprofit organization committed to providing students a unique opportunity to experience another culture and healthcare system in a responsible way. Though we work closely with our global partners to provide you the best possible trip, the nature of international travel means that we cannot anticipate all challenges that may occur. It is important that participants realize they must remain flexible in the face of situations that may be difficult to understand. Participating in a CFHI program means that you are an informal ambassador to the community you visit and your professional behavior is of the utmost importance.
Maternal and Child Health in Pune, India
Reproductive Health in Quito, Ecuador
The Reproductive Health program gives students the opportunity to participate in clinical rotations that are focused strictly on reproductive and women's health. Students will be able to observe how reproductive healthcare functions in a socially conservative country where there is limited discussion and openness regarding sexual health issues. Students will also see first-hand how cultural attitudes toward gender equality often affect women's willingness and ability to seek treatment or even information about reproductive and sexual health.
Students in this program will experience Quito alongside students in the Andean Health in Quito program, although their clinical experiences will be more focused. Clinical rotations will allow students to observe and/or assist doctors in a variety of capacities, whether it is assisting in a delivery or giving talks on reproductive health. Students will take medical and conversational Spanish classes at the Amazing Andes Language School. However, cultural education continues outside of the classroom as well, through the home stay experience and interactions with medical staff during clinical rotations.Our programs in Quito are among the most popular programs, as they allow students to experience one of the most exciting cities in South America. Many students take advantage of the variety of museums, historical sites, eye-opening weekend trips, and other attractions in and around the lively city of Quito during the evenings and weekends.
Community Health in Oaxaca, Mexico
The Community Health in Oaxaca program is designed as an immersive training experience for students who are committed to working with the immigrant Latino population in the United States and who wish to increase their cultural and linguistic competency as well as their understanding of the health factors affecting Latinos. The main objectives are to prepare students for better service to immigrant populations in the US by broadening public health knowledge; increasing linguistic competency in Spanish; providing exposure to health care systems and clinical interactions in another culture; and fostering an understanding of the social and economic factors that impact the health of Mexicans and Mexican-American immigrants to the United States.Founded in 1992, CFHI is a global family of committed professionals and students who work at the grassroots level to promote the health of the world community. CFHI is committed to providing students a unique opportunity to experience another culture and healthcare system in a responsible way. Though we work closely with our global partners to provide you the best possible trip, the nature of international travel means that we cannot anticipate all challenges that may occur. It is important that participants realize they must remain flexible in the face of situations that may be difficult to understand. Participating in a CFHI program means that you are an informal ambassador to the community you visit and your professional behavior is of the utmost importance.
Womens Reproductive Health, Mexico
The "Women's Reproductive Health in Mexico" program takes place in Puerto Escondido, a small seaside town in the state of Oaxaca. There, students will gain exposure to many of the challenges that women in rural Mexico face when managing their reproductive health. In addition to rotations in local clinics and public healthcare centers, students will take medical and conversational Spanish classes at a local language school. During clinical rotations, students will have the opportunity to see Puerto Escondido's healthcare system for women in a variety of settings. Opportunities range from working in primary care clinics to participating in rural reproductive healthcare programs with midwives or parteras. Overall, Mexico has a maternal mortality rate of approximately 83 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births, a number which is often higher in poorer, more rural states such as Oaxaca. Over 60% of registered births in this coastal region are performed by parteras in the home. By the end of the program participants will have a clear understanding of the way the public healthcare system is organized in the coastal region of Oaxaca to address women's health issues. Participants may be able to participate in monthly education workshops for women that are a part of the world famous comprehensive program with origins in rural Mexico, Oportunidades. Its success has been widely evaluated and recognized and is now being replicated by governments worldwide, including in New York City (for more information on Oportunidades, please visit their website at:
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
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