ANZ Equity Manager is a line of credit account secured by a first registered mortgage over your residential property. This account allows you to turn the equity in your property into a ready source of funds up to an agreed limit. You can use these funds for any personal purpose and, any principal repaid is available to be redrawn.
The table below outlines the main features of our Equity Manager. Click on the name of each loan for more information.
ANZ was awarded the prestigious Personal Investor magazine's Home Lender of the Year 1999-2002, 2004 and 2005. As well as Money magazine's Home Loan Lender of the Year 2005, 2006 and 2007.
Equity Manager at a glance
Interest Rate (% p.a.) | 5.96 |
Access to funds | ATM, Cheque, ANZ Branch, ANZ Phone Banking, ANZ Internet Banking, Direct Debit, Periodical Payment, Direct Loan Payment, EFTPOS, BPAY® |
Repayment frequency | No set schedule |
No Early Repayment Cost | |
Loan Approval Fee (LAF) | $600 |
Loan Administration Charge | $150 per year Credit Facility Fee |
Additional Withdrawal Fee | 20 free withdrawals per month (max 5 staff assisted) |
Minimum amount | $20,000 |
100% Mortgage Offset | Not available (same benefit is received by depositing and withdrawing from account) |
Interest Only payments | |
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