
Sunday, July 5, 2009

Israel Said to Be Open to Settlement Freeze

JERUSALEM — Israel would be open to a complete freeze of settlement building in the West Bank for three to six months as part of a broad Middle East peace endeavor that included a Palestinian agreement to negotiate an end to the conflict and confidence-building steps by major Arab nations, senior Israeli officials said Sunday.

The officials spoke before a planned meeting in Washington on Tuesday between Israel’s defense minister, Ehud Barak, and George J. Mitchell, the Obama administration’s Middle East envoy, and said this was the message Mr. Barak would take with him.

The freeze would not affect construction that was already under way, nor include East Jerusalem. But it would mean that during the specified time no construction of any kind could start even in the close-in settlement blocks that Israel expects to keep in any future two-state agreement with the Palestinians.

While such an offer falls short of President Obama’s demand that Israel halt all settlement building now, it is the most forthcoming response that senior Israeli officials have given to date and suggests that American pressure is having some effect. Until now, Israeli officials have insisted that settlements cannot be asked to end “natural growth” or “normal life,” meaning building for the children of those living there.

The officials who spoke of the prospect of a temporary freeze said the issue was explosive in Israel, so they were not prepared to have their names publicly associated with the idea at this stage. But they spoke with clear authority. They calculated that about 2,000 buildings were going up in West Bank settlements now and said that they would be completed under their proposal, but nothing new would start. They also said that if broader peace efforts came to naught, the building would start up again.

Mr. Barak himself declined to address the question of a temporary freeze in a conversation on Sunday with The New York Times, saying only that settlements should be viewed as one issue in a larger framework needed to create a Middle East peace.

“For us, it is very important that the Palestinians commit to seeking an end to the conflict and a finality of any claims,” he said. “We should not isolate this issue of settlements and make it the most important one. It has to be discussed in the context of a larger peace discussion.”

He added, “Many Israelis fear that what Palestinians want is not two states but two stages,” meaning an end to Israel in phases. He also said that by focusing solely on settlement building and not on what the Arab countries should also be doing for peace, Israel felt that it was being driven to its knees and delivered to the other side rather than asked to join a shared effort.

Israel, he said, was eager for a regional agreement that would lead to a state for the Palestinians and security for Israel.

The issue of settlement building has plagued regional peace efforts and Israeli-American relations for decades, ever since the 1967 Middle East war ended with Israel holding vast swaths of land that had been won from its neighbors. In particular, taking the West Bank, previously held by Jordan, fired the collective imagination in Israel because so much of it — including the cities of Hebron, Nablus and Jericho — was part of the biblical Jewish homeland that Zionism sought to reclaim.

There are now nearly 300,000 Israeli settlers living in the West Bank in addition to 200,000 Israeli Jews living in East Jerusalem, also taken in that war. Since the Palestinians hope to build their state in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem, they accuse Israel of making that goal impossible through settlement building.

Israel says the real problem is Arab rejection of its existence in any borders at all and the rise of violent, radical Islam backed by Iran. When it removed soldiers from southern Lebanon in 2000 and soldiers and settlers from Gaza in 2005, it faced rocket fire from Hezbollah and Hamas.

The Obama administration believes that in order to build a solid regional coalition to confront Iranian ambitions, West Bank settlement building needs to stop as a sign of Israeli willingness to accept a Palestinian state.

Such a demand is part of the “road map” agreed to by the United States, Russia, the European Union and the United Nations, the so-called quartet, and signed by Israel. But the Israelis said they had unwritten agreements with the former Bush administration that defined the freeze more narrowly, as not building new settlements or expropriating more land. Last week the quartet issued its own call for a complete settlement freeze.

The issue is so problematic here partly because the three-month-old government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a largely right-wing coalition with parties that support more settlement building. But Mr. Netanyahu recently accepted the idea of two states and has said Israel would work hard on helping the Palestinians improve their lives in the West Bank.

Mr. Barak said on Sunday that Israel was already making progress on that. It has formed a ministerial committee headed by Mr. Netanyahu aimed at starting economic projects in the West Bank. It has also given the Palestinian security forces greater freedom of action in the past couple of weeks.

Mr. Barak presented such steps as examples of concessions Israel had already made that deserved recognition from Washington and Arab leaders. Among the steps being discussed that Arab nations might take as confidence building measures for Israel are permitting Israeli travelers to transit through their airports, allowing Israeli airplanes to fly in their airspace and creating limited academic and tourist exchanges. Among Arab countries, only Egypt and Jordan have full diplomatic relations with Israel.

In the interview, Mr. Barak suggested that there could be a role for an international Middle East peace conference in the coming months at which all sides would agree to steps and concessions. He said that given Washington’s desire to remove its troops from Iraq and find a way to deal with Iran, this was an auspicious moment for bold regional thinking that could make far-reaching changes, and Israel was eager to play its part.


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